Rabu, 21 Desember 2011


Bengawan Solo River (alternatively, Solo River, with Bengawan being an Old Javanese word for river) is the longest river on the Indonesian island of Java, approximately 600 km in length. Apart from its importance as watercourse to the inhabitants and farmlands of the eastern and northern parts of the island, it is a renowned region in paleoanthropology circles. Many discoveries of early hominid remains have been made at several sites in its valleys, especially at Sangiran, including that of the first early human fossil found outside of Europe, the so-called "Java Man" skull.
Bengawan Solo was the crash site of Garuda Indonesia Flight 421.[2]



[edit] Geography

The Bengawan Solo River has its source at the volcano of Mount Lawu, in the border of Central Java and East Java. It passes through the major city of Surakarta (called Solo by the local inhabitants). An important early tributary to the Solo river is Dengkeng river, which has its source in Mount Merapi.[3] After passing through Solo, the river flows northward around Mount Lawu, and then turn eastward into East Java in the Ngawi regency.
After Ngawi the river turned northward again, forming the boundary between Blora regency of Central Java and Bojonegoro regency of East Java. From town of Cepu in Blora, the river turned eastward and passed through Bojonegoro regency's capital city. From there, it continues eastward through Lamongan and Gresik regency. The last part of the river's basin (roughly starting from Bojonegoro regency) is mostly flat land.[4]
Bengawan Solo delta is located near the town of Sedayu in Gresik regency. The present delta is redirected by human made canal.[4] The original delta flowed into Madura Strait,[4] but in 1890 a 12-km canal was made by Dutch East Indies authority to redirect the Solo river into Java Sea.[4][5] This is to prevent sedimentation of mud from filling Madura Strait and preventing sea access of important port city of Surabaya.[4]
The Solo river delta has a huge mud sedimentation flow that deposited 17 million tonne of mud per year. This sedimentation in the delta form a cape, which has average longitudinal growth of 70 m per year.[5] This delta is known as Ujung Pangkah (Pangkah Cape).

[edit] History

Vessels on Solo river during colonial period.
Solo river was part of massive river system that once existed in Sundaland. This drainage of the river system consisted of major river in present-day Sumatra and Borneo, such as Asahan river, Musi river and Kapuas river. The river system disappeared when Sundaland was submerged after sea level rise following the last Ice Age less than 10.000 years ago.[6]
The river played important part in Javanese history. Its drainage basin is an important agricultural area, dominated by rice farming. The river transported fertile volcanic soil downstream, replenishing the soil. It also provided link between Javanese port cities in the northern coast and the rice-growing hinterlands, with shallow vessels transporting rice to he ports to be sold.[7] This rice is Java's main commodity that was traded as part of the Spice trade.
Following acquisition of much of Java by the Dutch colonial governmental, various cash crops was introduced to be planted across the river basin, such as coffee, sugar and cotton. (see Cultivation System).
By the last years of 19th century, river sedimentation in its original delta in Madura Strait started to disrupt vessels traffic in port of Surabaya. The Dutch colonial government decided to divert the river flow away from the shipping lane into Java Sea. They built a canal in the river's delta in 1890s which still alter the river until this day.[8]
In 1891, Dutch paleoanthropologist Eugène Dubois discovered remains of what he described as "a species in between humans and apes". He called his finds Pithecanthropus erectus ("ape-human that stands upright") or Java Man. Today, they are classified as Homo erectus ("human that stands upright").[9] These were the first specimens of early hominid remains to be found outside of Africa or Europe.


Jumat, 16 Desember 2011


Joko Widodo the Major of Solo Indonesia

Joko Widodo the Best Mayor of Indonesia 2011

Joko Widodo also known as Jokowi is the mayor of Solo, Central Java, Indonesia since 2005. Joko Widodo achieved many awards during his governmental such as best mayor in Indonesia 2011 from Home Affairs of Ministry. Under his rule, Solo has been glowing in the brand as "the Spirit of Java". Joko Widodo has many projects for development the Solo City (or Surakarta).

In this lens we will closer with Joko Widodo and Solo City. Happy reading.
This lens is written in both English and Bahasa Indonesia

Joko Widodo adalah walikota Solo (Surakarta), Jawa Tengah, Indonesia sejak tahun 2005. Selama pemerintahannya ia mempunyai banyak program yang bertujuan memajukan kota Solo. Ia menerima banyak penghargaan, salah satunya dari Menteri Dalam Negeri sebagai walikota terbaik se-Indonesia tahun 2011. Ia masih punya banyak program untuk memajukan kota Solo dengan membawa brand "the Spirit of Java".

Joko Widodo Quotes

What he saying about the issues

Sebaiknya tidak dikenakan PBB, sebab tempat ibadah dan sekolah itu untuk kegiatan sosial. Tapi kalau ada masjid atau gereja di kompleknya ada kegiatan bisnis ya pajaknya dikenakan pada tempat-tempat itu. Yen isoh ra mbayar rapopo kalau negorone makmur (nanti kalau negara sudah makmur), tapi kita ikuti aturan yang ada dulu.

Apa ya? Wong saya ini memang enggak pernah merayakan ulang tahun. Jadi ya bagi saya biasa-biasa saja. Tidak ada perayaan atau peringatan. Saya ini wong ndesa, tidak ada perayaan seperti itu.

Gaji wali kota Rp 6,5 juta. Potong pajak jadi Rp 5,5 juta. Saya tidak pernah nanya. Saya merasa, memang saya sebenarnya butuh uang, tapi ada orang lain yang lebih membutuhkan uang ini dari kita. Kami hidupnya dari income yang lain. Saya enggak pernah pakai gaji saya. Hanya tanda tangan slip gajinya, tapi enggak pernah lihat uangnya.

Iya, saya itu memang masih bodoh. Masih harus banyak belajar ke banyak orang. Dibilang begitu ya nggak apa-apa. Saya juga heran kenapa rakyat memilih orang bodoh jadi wali kota dua periode.

Juni 2011, menanggapi pernyataan Gubernur Jawa Tengah Bibit Waluyo yang menyatakan ia bodoh karena menolak pembangunan mall di bekas pabrik es Sari Petojo, Solo. Jokowi menolak karena lokasi tersebut sedang didaftarkan sebagai bangunan cagar budaya dan berdekatan dengan pasar tradisional.

Saya sangat mengizinkan Stadion Manahan Solo digunakan untuk pembukaan LPI. Karena, LPI merupakan patner yang baik bagi PSSI untuk kemajuan persepakbolaan di Indonesia.

Saya pro investasi kecil. Karena lama-lama yang kecil-kecil itu bisa jadi besar. Kalau yang mart-mart itu tidak menolong yang kecil. Investor itu tidak selalu asing. Karena kalau kecil dikelola dengan baik bisa mendatangkan yang besar. Ratusan ribu rupiah tidak apa-apa, tidak harus miliar.

Oktober 2010, tentang keberpihakannya kepada pasar tradisional, sebelum menerima penghargaan Bung Hatta Anticorruption Award (BHAA) 2010.

"Ini tantangan buat Kota Solo. Yang jelas penghargaan ini ini memberi arti bahwa upaya yang kita lakukan selama ini mulai ada hasilnya," November 2009, ketika menerima penghargaan Indonesian MICE (meeting, incentive, conference, and exhibitions) Award 2009, untuk kategori Kepala Daerah Tingkat II Terbaik Tahun 2009, yang diberikan majalah Venue,

Sekilas Joko Widodo

  1. Joko Widodo atau Jokowi lahir di Surakarta, 21 Juni 1961. Ia menikah dengan Iriana dan mempunyai tiga anak, yaitu Gibran Rakabumi Raka, Kahiyang Ayu, dan Kaesang Pangarep.
  2. Joko Widodo menghidupi keluarganya dengan menjadi pengusaha mebel dan sudah mempunyai pelanggan di luar negeri. Harta kekayaannya, seperti yang ia laporkan kepada KPK pada 2010 mencapai 15 miliar rupiah.
  3. Jokowi lulus dari Fakultas Kehutanan UGM Jogja tahun 1985.
  4. Tahun 2005, Jokowi mencalonkan diri sebagai walikota berpasangan dengan FX Rudy Hadiatmo (Keuta PDI P Solo) dan menang satu putaran dengan perolehan suara 40%.
  5. Masih berpasangan dengan Rudy, Jokowi maju kembali dalam pilwakot 2010 dan berhasil menang telak dengan perolehan suara 90%. Ini adalah prosentase tertinggi pilkada se-Indonesia sepanjang sejarah.
  6. Pada tahun 2007 Solo menjadi tuan rumah Festival Musik Dunia (FMD) yang diadakan di kompleks Benteng Vastenburg yang terancam digusur untuk dijadikan pusat bisnis dan perbelanjaan.
  7. Pada tahun 2006, Solo menjadi anggota Organisasi Kota-kota Warisan Dunia atau World Heritage Cities Conference (WHCC), sebuah organisasi di bawah Unesco PBB yang bertujuan memberikan kontribusi dalam berbagai kegiatan perlindungan pusaka budaya / pusaka alam, piagam internasional, dan kota-kota bersejarah. Dua tahun kemudian, tepatnya pada 25-28 Oktober 2008, Solo menjadi tuan rumah konferensi WHCC yang ke-3.
  8. Majalah Tempo memasukkan Jokowi sebagai salah seorang tokoh paling berpengaruh tahun 2008. Ia dinilai mampu merelokasi pedagang kaki lima yang memenuhi jalan dan taman di pusat kota tanpa kekerasan. Ia membujuk mereka dengan pendekatan manusiawi, termasuk makan bersama berbulan-bulan. Pedagang setuju dipindahkan, tetapi syaratnya kios harus gratis. Jokowi setuju, tetapi sebagai gantinya, para pedagang harus membayar retribusi Rp 2.600 per hari. Joko yakin dalam delapan setengah tahun modal pemerintah Rp 9,8 miliar bisa kembali.
  9. Jokowi menerima penghargaan Bung Hatta Anti Corruption Award tahun 2010. Menurut Ketua Dewan Juri BHACA Betti Alisjahbana, Joko berani melakukan perubahan melalui program-programnya, seperti efisiensi anggaran, perbaikan administrasi pelayanan, pelayanan pendidikan bagi yang tidak mampu, dan yang paling menonjol pemberdayaan pedagang kaki lima dengan merelokasikannya tanpa kekerasan, serta memberi surat izin usaha hingga pedagang kaki lima tersebut dapat mencari pinjaman bank.
  10. Transparency International Indonesia menempatkan Kota Solo sebagai kota paling bersih dari korupsi no 3 di Indonesia, dibawah Kota Denpasar dan Tegal. TI mensurvei 50 kota se-Indonesia, meliputi 33 ibukota propinsi ditambah 17 kota lain yang signifikan secara ekonomi. Survei dilakukan dengan cara wawancara tatap muka terhadap 9237 responden pelaku bisnis, antara bulan Mei sampai dengan Oktober 2010. Dua kota terendah adalah Pekanbaru dan Cirebon. Sumber TII
Jokowi tidak selalu mulus mengelola Solo. Sampai saat ini urusan PKL belum benar-benar selesai. Para pengritiknya menilai pembangunan Solo sebatas etalase, belum sampai pada penguatan kampung-kampung di pedalaman Solo. Tetapi eloknya, Jokowi menerima semua kritik itu dengan terbuka. Dengan segala kekurangannya, dia masih pemimpin yang lembah manah, bukan pemimpin yang pemarah.
Suwarmin, wartawan

Know more about Batik?

Batik Solo is one of the best batik all the world

Batik is unique culture of Indonesia. Indonesia has many pattern of batik, a few of the best is Batik Solo, Yogya and Pekalongan. Here a few books about batik you can read.

Creative Batik (Beginner's Guide to)

Amazon Price: $10.69 (as of 12/15/2011) Buy Now

Batik: Fabled Cloth of Java

Amazon Price: $14.22 (as of 12/15/2011) Buy Now

Batik and Tie Dye Techniques

Amazon Price: $6.59 (as of 12/15/2011) Buy Now

Batik Gems: 29 Dazzling Quilt Projects

Amazon Price: $17.91 (as of 12/15/2011) Buy Now

Batik: 21 Beautiful Projects Using Simple Techniques (The Weekend Crafter)

Amazon Price: $6.44 (as of 12/15/2011) Buy Now

New Guestbook Comments


Solo Batik Carnival Latest News

Ratusan Penari Siap Hentak Opening ASEAN Para Games
Lebih dari 300 penari dari Kota Bengawan akan menampilkan tarian dalam nuansa batik, sesuai dengan predikat Solo sebagai Kota Batik. Pesta kembang api dan sederet artis juga siap menghentak Stadion Manahan. Solo Batik Carnival dan tetabuhan dari Sabang ...
Serba Batik di Pembukaan ASEAN Para Games 2011
?Ada 100 penari putri yang akan membawa kain batik dengan panjang total 500 meter,? kata Denny kepada wartawan seusai rapat koordinasi di rumah dinas Wali Kota Surakarta, Minggu, 4 Desember 2011. Kemudian ada penampilan Solo Batik Carnival yang akan ...
2012, Lokasi SBC diusulkan dipindah
Sebanyak 324 peserta turut menyemarakkan karnaval batik ke empat tersebut.(JIBI/SOLOPOS/Burhan Aris Nugraha) Solo (Solopos.com)?Lokasi penyelenggaraan Solo Batik Carnival tahun 2012 mendatang diusulkan dipindah. Bila pada tahun-tahun sebelumnyaN SBC ...
Keluarga memutuskan tak menghalagi, tapi juga tak mendukung pencalonan bapak. Anak-anak dengan tegas menyatakan tak mendukung. Anak-anak nggak suka bapak menjadi walikota.

Iriana, isteri Joko Widodo, tentang pencalonan Jokowi periode kedua (2010)

Hot List

Many websites about Solo and Joko Widodo

Website resmi Pemkot Solo
Website resmi Pemkot Solo
Situs Jejaring Sosial Kota Solo
Situs Jejaring Sosial dan DIrektori Komunitas Bisnis Kota Solo
Forum Komunitas Online Kota Solo
Forum Komunitas Online Kota Solo
Solo Wikipedia
Solo Wikipedia
Joko Widodo Wikipedia
Joko Widodo Wikipedia
Solo City View
Solo City View
Blogger Bengawan
Blogger Bengawan

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Joko Widodo or Jokowi is the mayor of Solo, Indonesia, since 2005. He was elected as the best mayor in Indonesia 2011.
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Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

SOLO The Batik Of City


Thursday, December 15, 2011 14:44 PM


Surakarta mayor complains of Games’ lack of promotion

Agnes Winarti and Kusumasari Ayuningtyas, The Jakarta Post, Surakarta, Jakarta | Thu, 12/15/2011 10:17 AM
A | A | A |
Torch bearer: Bolo Triono, a disabled runner from Central Java, carries the torch of the Southeast Asian Para Games. Bolo and others carried the torch from Mrapen in Grobogan, Central Java, to Surakarta, on Wednesday. Antara/R. RekotomoTorch bearer: Bolo Triono, a disabled runner from Central Java, carries the torch of the Southeast Asian Para Games. Bolo and others carried the torch from Mrapen in Grobogan, Central Java, to Surakarta, on Wednesday. Antara/R. RekotomoOne day prior to the official opening of the 6th ASEAN Para Games, Surakarta Mayor Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo regretted the lack of promotional activities for the biennial Games designed for athletes with physical disabilities.

Despite declaring that the city is ready to host the Games, the hype of the ASEAN Para Games event is lacking the prestige of last month’s SEA Games, the mayor said on Wednesday as quoted by Antara.

He highlighted that the central government was fully responsible for the promotional activities for the ASEAN Para Games, as the Youth and Sports Ministry was in charge of organizing the event.

Financial allocations for the Para Games include Rp 4 billion for the opening ceremony, Rp 7 billion for the organizing committee’s secretariat, Rp 50 billion for the renovation of the Donohudan athletes’ village and transportation facilities -- all of which were disbursed from the 2011 state budget -- plus an additional Rp 10 billion from the 2011 revised state budget.

The government also allocated the leftover Rp 26 billion from the SEA Games’ medalists’ bonus allocation for the Para Games’ medalists’ bonus.

The Indonesia ASEAN Para Games Organizing Committee’s (INASPOC) director, James Tangkudung, was not available for comment on Wednesday.

Joko even said the Para Games should have been held before the SEA Games so it was not over-shadowed by the latter event, at which Indonesia fulfilled its target of becoming the overall champions, despite the arguably chaotic organization of the Games.

Joko expects the Games to promote Surakarta as a friendly tourism destination. A city with a population of 503,421, Surakarta, also locally-known as Solo, has the famous Bengawan Solo River flowing through its eastern part.

The river was the source of inspiration for the country’s late keroncong maestro Gesang Martohartono, who in 1940 composed the internationally popular song “Bengawan Solo,” the lyrics of which have been translated into at least 13 languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Dutch and Cambodian.

The 11 sports featured in the Para Games will take place at the Manahan Sports Complex (track-and-field, volleyball, tennis, and swimming), the Bengawan Sports Center (bowling), the Diamond Solo Convention Center (table tennis), the Sritex Arena (badminton), the Nyi Ageng Karang GOR (goal ball), the Sriwedari Stadium (archery), the Pendapi Balai Kota Surakarta (chess), and the Gedung Wanita (weight-lifting).

The Para Games will welcome a total of 1,265 athletes and officials from 11 countries, including the host’s 368 athletes and officials, Thailand with a squad of 296, Malaysia with 163, Vietnam 170, the Philippines 65, Myanmar 57, Singapore 52, Brunei 37, Cambodia 26, Timor Leste 21, and Laos 11.

Meanwhile, the torch for the 6th ASEAN Para Games arrived in Surakarta, Central Java, on Wednesday after being lit from the Mrapen eternal flame in Grobogan, also located in Central Java.

After passing through eight regencies and cities throughout Central Java, including Demak, Semarang, Salatiga, Boyolali, Sukoharjo, and Karanganyar, the torch was carried into Surakarta by Para Games torchbearer, former track-and-field athlete Bolo Triono, who won two golds at the 2005 ASEAN Para Games in Manila.

Around 700 dancers and dozens of the Keraton Surakarta Hadiningrat soldiers added to the festivities of the torch’s last one-kilometer journey before arriving at City Hall, where it was to stay for the night.

On Thursday, at the opening ceremony, the torch and its bearer, wall-climber Sabar Gorky, will be borne inside a Kencana carriage to light up the Para Games’ cauldron.

Vice President Boediono will officially open the Para Games, which will be guarded by 1,942 security personnel from the Army and National Police.